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The Womb Room Podcast

Nov 3, 2021

Today we have my friend and member of The Womb Room community, Alley Gant, with her story of having (and removing!) a copper IUD.

Alley shares her journey of getting the IUD and the significant consequences it had on her health -- none of which she received information about from her providers. 

After experiencing medical gaslighting and feeling frustrated with the lack of answers, she decided enough was enough, and removed the IUD herself.

We discuss the inflammatory impacts of the copper IUD, navigating the medical industrial complex as a Black woman, and how sovereign IUD removal was a catalyst for Alley's healing journey and taking self-responsibility for her womb health. 

If you're feeling called to break up with your birth control but aren't sure what's next, check out our free resources, including the breaking up with birth control guide, and the fertility awareness 101 workshop!

And if you're ready to be supported in community on your womb sovereignty journey, join us in The Womb Room Membership community!

This podcast is intended as educational information, and does not constitute medical advice. I trust your sovereign decisions.