Mar 30, 2022
If you've experienced fibroids, you've likely felt the
frustration, fear-mongering from providers, or sense of confusion
that often comes with the question of, "can I eliminate fibroids
without surgery?"
In today's conversation, I talk with Cecili Simmons, owner of
Fibroid Freedom. She supports women in...
Mar 23, 2022
I'm sharing something personal... I'm in a season of my own preconception time! This week, I'm sharing some of the ways that I'm nourishing myself in preparation for pregnancy and mothering.
Sharing this is not meant to be prescriptive or to say what anyone "should" do, but rather to give a peek into my world and into...
Mar 16, 2022
Today I’m talking with Settareh Derafsh Kaviani, a first generation Persian-American woman, mother, birth worker and researcher, and witch who has devoted her life to healing herself and her lineage. After quitting her career as a clinical social worker, she continues to do the deep work of self-healing, and guiding...
Mar 9, 2022
Grief lives in the body. This is a simple truth, and yet in our culture, our collective conversation around grief is often focused on the mind, on “moving on,” and on processing in isolation. So how do we truly embody our grief, and stay open-hearted to the gifts it brings?
Today, I share my conversation with Grace...