Jan 26, 2022
Do you ever wonder HOW to listen to your intuition? Do you feel called to step into sovereign health, but feel pressured by what external authorities say you "should" do?
This really comes down to tending your nervous system and creating space to be fully expressed in your body -- and it's key to being in our...
Jan 19, 2022
Today on the podcast we have womb healing and pelvic embodiment guide, birthworker and yoga teacher, Veronica Constance.
In our conversation we dive into one of both of our favorite topics: pelvic embodiment, what it has to do with our nervous system, and how it can support our lives.
We get into:
Jan 12, 2022
In today’s podcast conversation, I talk with my friend and fellow birthkeeper, Saima Kara, about the brilliance pf physiological birth, and her experience shifting from hospital doula work to being a birth keeper outside of the medical system.
Saima is a radical birthkeeper in the UK, holistic childbirth education...
Jan 5, 2022
When you get "triggered," what do you do? In our culture, it's common to move into blame, shame, or shutdown -- but what might these activating feelings have to teach us, and what does it have to do with our womb sovereignty?
In this episode, I'm sharing a recording from inside The Womb Room, my year-long container for...