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The Womb Room Podcast

Dec 13, 2023

Is there space for nuance in a time of war? How do we orient when we hold both colonizer & colonized? What's being missed energetically in the cultural and historical context of this war? 

These are questions we (Qiddist and Maura) have been pondering as we metabolize the genocide(s) we are witnessing globally, and in particular of Palestine. 

We aren't experts, but we are observers -- in response to the yearning for deeper conversation in our community, we share this conversation with humility and curiosity. We explore topics including:

  • the primal desire to be "good and right," and why we must contend with being "bad and wrong"
  • making sense of our own complicity 
  • unearthing the war(s) inside ourselves
  • how we might move from reaction to right action 
  • why we're pausing for nuance, even (especially?) in times of war 
  • some of the historical pieces that we see missing from public conversation 
  • what are the options if the "master's tools won't dismantle the master's house"
  • what it might look like to move from liberation, not just towards it
  • why the internal investigation of the war inside of us is a necessary step to external change

BEYOND BOUNDARIES: An interactive skill-share for a new paradigm of embodied boundaries, in service to inner union. This Friday, replay available.

WOMB ROOM COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP: root-cause body literacy, matriarchal medicine, and energetic skill-building.